About Nga Toa
Nga Toa meaning "Many Warriors" in the Maori language is a project dedicated to preserving the oral histories of New Zealand’s Returned Servicemen and Woman. To date, over 200 interviews have been compiled in the Nga Toa video archive.
Support NGA TOA

Click here for a full & detailed breakdown of all Nga Toa Project expenses

We would like to thank the team at Spinning Planet New Zealand for providing the web support and server space for this site as well as Niko Smith from the UK for designing and donating the Nga Toa Logo. This site would not be possible without their kindness and professionalism.


1. New Zealanders: Help Patrick reach any veterans (WWII, Korea or Vietnam) you may know in your community or ask your local newspaper to do a story on Nga Toa to help us find veterans. We also accept submission of copies of any stories or letters written by veterans during or after the war including letters written to the folks back home during the war.

2. Interview a veteran in your community and, with their written permission, submit the interview to NGA TOA. (Visit the Oral History Resources on our links page).

3. Volunteer to help Patrick transcribe an interview with a veteran to be posted on the site. E-mail [email protected] for details. 

4. A direct donation of any amount via donate.gif or by regular mail.

5. By buying any of the items in the Nga Toa Store, proceeds will be donated to support the work of Nga Toa.

6. By making purchases at or Fishpond through the links on the Nga Toa website, will pay 4% of your purchase price to Nga Toa and Fishpond will pay 10%. Just click on either link below to begin shopping!

Fishpond is a New Zealand based online book seller that our kiwi visitors can use, while Amazon is an online bookseller that our U.S. visitors can use.

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7. By purchasing any of the items that Nga Toa is selling on E-bay.

8. By purchasing one of several dozen Orginal Kreigsmarine Maps from WW2 through this website that have been donated by Steve "the Greek" to benefit and support Nga Toa.

9. Site Sponsorship: Nga Toa is in need of a private or corporate sponsor, if you can help in any way, even by reccomending any organizations in particular, please contact us.

10. By pledging your support and encouragment by spreading the word of the Nga Toa project website to friends, family and others in your community. Post the site link on discussion boards, blogs and other email discussion groups.

Despite the fact that the New Zealand government provides Patrick with an invalids benefit and a small pension based on the income he made when he was paralyzed at age 16 (Patrick was working as a gas station attendant at that time) From 2001 to 2006 Patrick has managed to acquire the funds needed to interview over 150 veterans collecting approximatly 400 hours worth of video footage. This was only made possible through the generosity of local charity groups and friends of Patrick. However, Patricks resources have been running thin and he is having trouble raising the funds needed to pay for the necessary expenses associated with planning and recording these interviews.These expenses include: Planning and Travel expenses such as communication expenses, diesel, road tax and motel accommadation costs. Also, transcription services, equipment costs and supplies needed to record and present each interview. Click here for a full & detailed breakdown of these expenses

Supporting Nga Toa is a Win-Win situation. First your support enables Patrick to continue doing what he enjoys to do and second, your support allows the veterans to tell their story to someone who really cares to hear it and who intends to record and share it with future generations.

Patrick would like everyone to know that the entire amount of every donation will be applied towards the costs involved in obtaining each interview and that no part of any donation will be used for his own personal expenses.This project turned passion has been Patricks major focus for the last five years and he hopes to continue this work in the years to come, eventually expanding the NGA TOA oral history project to encompass the oral histories of Ex-service personnel who served in New Zealands armed forces, both in Conflicts and Peace Keeping Operations, post 1945.

Patrick welcomes your feedback and emails at:
[email protected]

For all other Inquiries please contact the Director of Marketing and Public Relations at:
[email protected]

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